Ok, installed program. Now how do I configure (PC based).
Account I assume is my phone number, but what is the proxy. Is
there some sort of auto-configuration? If so, how do I start
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1 Posted by Connor on 08 Jul, 2010 07:36 PM
I did it on my ipod and it asked for my email and name. i doubt this helps but you know, it sorta just did that. i filled it in, did the email confirmation, and made some calls. sooo ya.
2 Posted by t_own on 08 Jul, 2010 08:28 PM
Connor you must be young. The guy is clearly not useing an ipod. He is on a pc (computer)
3 Posted by Connor on 09 Jul, 2010 01:21 AM
My oh my you must be so very Smart! A mind reader, perhaps? I know the poor guy is using a pc - I know hes looking to sign up too (Wow, I must be on a roll). I am just telling him how it goes on an ipod because I dont know how to do it on a computer. Whoopedy Doo genious.
4 Posted by Bobby on 09 Jul, 2010 02:51 AM
Try Manage account on the same menu as configure, also try Console. After I selected those Configure was filled in when I checked it again. Might not actually have anything to do with getting configure filled in, but on my PC it worked this way. It might also have been a coincidence, it could configure automatically, but take a while.
Good luck.
5 Posted by Whistle Catheri... on 09 Jul, 2010 05:46 PM
To avoid possible errors, it's best to auto-configure through the account page. Right-click on the phone, select "Manage Account" and log in. The program will then begin to automatically reconfigure itself.
t-own, Bobby, thank you for contributing to the discussion. Connor, we appreciate the input but I'd recommend keeping the sarcasm to a minimum.
Whistle Eleanor closed this discussion on 13 Sep, 2012 04:20 PM.